Day shelters are drop-in centers for the homeless, offering opportunities for information, counseling and referral to social services agencies. Day shelters also often provide showers and toilet facilities, personal hygiene supplies and laundry facilities, tenant advocacy and sometimes, light medical treatment. Typical supplies may consist of laundry soap, razors, shampoo, soap, socks, deodorant, tooth brushes and tooth paste.
Day Shelters Overnight Shelters Emergency Shelters Family Shelters Education Rent Assistance Physical Health Employment Childcare
MISSION STATEMENT AND CORE VALUES The Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS) provides emergency sh...
Youth Shelters Counseling Day Shelters Physical Health Emergency Shelters Employment Clothing Meals Education Childcare
(802) 864-7423(802) 864-7423
Founded in 1970, Spectrum is a nationally recognized leader in helping youth ages 12-26 and their...